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Year 4 Surgical Teaching

In fourth year of medical school teaching, clinical teaching in surgery would base on the foundation from Curriculum of third year. The aim is to provide medical students with enhanced exposure to common surgical problems, develop basic clinical skills appropriate for fourth year curriculum and to broaden their horizon about surgery and its subspecialties so that they can evaluate surgery as a future career.

Upon completion of the surgical rotation, following general objectives of clinical surgical teaching should be met by the student:

  • Student is able to take meaningful clinical history and perform clinical examination leading to diagnosis making.

  • Demonstrate and strengthen professional attitude and values towards colleagues and patients


Fourth Year Clinical Teaching would primarily comprise patient side teaching at C3 and above cognitive level, P1-3 Psychomotor skill level and A1-2 affective level. The teaching should be in form of didactic, bedside and case-based learning with eventual transformation to problem based learning (PBL).

ATLS Symposium would be conducted on a selected day for the fourth year students. A Clinical Skill Competition would also be arranged. All students would be required to write down 20 histories and clinical examinations for various disorders. An online Surgical Quiz of the Week would be administered.


General Surgery Rotation:


Six week rotation would be split into surgical units (3 weeks each). Prof. Tauseef Asghar from Surgical Unit 1 and Dr. Rizwan A Khan from Unit 2 would be responsible for the overall clinical teaching of the fourth year.


Following Core Topics need to be essentially covered in three weeks of general surgical rotation by Surgical Unit 1:

  • Examination of Swelling, Differential Diagnosis, Understanding Clinical Reasoning and Diagnosis Making

  • Examination of Ulcer, Differential Diagnosis, Understanding Clinical Reasoning and Diagnosis Making

  • Examination of Neck Swellings, Differential Diagnosis, Understanding Clinical Reasoning and Diagnosis Making

  • Examination of Thyroid, Differential Diagnosis, Understanding Clinical Reasoning and Diagnosis Making

  • Examination of Peripheral Neurovascular System, Differential Diagnosis, Understanding Clinical Reasoning and Diagnosis Making

  • Examination of varicose veins & DVT, Differential Diagnosis, Understanding Clinical Reasoning and Diagnosis Making

  • Examination of abdominal exam, Differential Diagnosis, Understanding Clinical Reasoning and Diagnosis Making

  • Examination of Breast, Differential Diagnosis, Understanding Clinical Reasoning and Diagnosis Making

  • Examination of Inguinoscrotal Area, Differential Diagnosis, Understanding Clinical Reasoning and Diagnosis Making

Examination of Perianal Area, Differential Diagnosis, Understanding Clinical Reasoning and Diagnosis Making


Following Core Topics need to be essentially covered and form the learning objectives in three weeks of general surgical rotation by Surgical Unit 2:

  • Examination of Neck Swellings, Differential Diagnosis, Understanding Clinical Reasoning and Diagnosis Making

  • Examination of parotid & Submandibular Swellings, Differential Diagnosis, Understanding Clinical Reasoning and Diagnosis Making

  • Examination of Abdominal Swellings and Masses, Differential Diagnosis, Understanding Clinical Reasoning and Diagnosis Making

  • Examination of Inguinoscrotal Swellings, Differential Diagnosis, Understanding Clinical Reasoning and Diagnosis Making

  • Examination of Peripheral Neurovascular System, Differential Diagnosis, Understanding Clinical Reasoning and Diagnosis Making

  • Examination of Diabetic Foot, Differential Diagnosis, Understanding Clinical Reasoning and Diagnosis Making

  • Examination of abdominal exam, Differential Diagnosis, Understanding Clinical Reasoning and Diagnosis Making

  • Examination of Breast, Differential Diagnosis, Understanding Clinical Reasoning and Diagnosis Making

  • Examination of Acute Abdomen, Differential Diagnosis, Understanding Clinical Reasoning and Diagnosis Making


  • Examination of Perianal Area, Differential Diagnosis, Understanding Clinical Reasoning and Diagnosis Making.

  • The Department of General Surgery, Orthopedics, Radiology and Urology Faculty members have been designated the lecture schedule designed to introduce basics of surgery. Basics of clinical exposure and approaches to various common presentations of surgical problems would be introduced. Trauma Surgery would be taught in lectures in more detail and principles of ATLS would be taught lecture and didactic form. The students are subdivided into batches and rotate for certain period in Shalamar Teaching Hospital (See Appendix). The teaching would be done in Didactic sessions and bedside teaching with equal focus. The teaching modules for clinical teaching have been developed (See Below). Online Modules are also available at the website to complement the didactic and bedside teaching.

    The detail of the student Batch rotating in clinical wards is attached here in Appendix V. At the end of each rotation both at Shalamar Teaching Hospital, an assessment of clinical skills would be conducted in the Department of Surgery.

    For the 4th Year Class a seminar would be arranged on ATLS protocol, which would be combination of tutorial, didactic and psychomotor learning in single day with collaboration of the Anesthesia, Orthopedics and Surgery Department. The activity would end with an MCQ test which in the end would be part of the cumulative scoring in surgery.

    The detail of lectures to be delivered has been attached in this manual at the end. (Appendix VI).

    During this year the students are tested for delivered lectures with MCQ based assessment papers (Cognitive Domain) conducted throughout the year and the results are shared with Department of Medical Education and Student Affairs through the software.

    For the Online Modules (involving History Taking, Clinical Examination and Communication Skills), an OSPE is conducted (10 Stations) which would assess the Clinical Skills of the students through Cognitive, Psychomotor and Affective Domain. The OSPE has 30% Cognitive, 50% Psychomotor and 20% Affective domain. 10% would be reserved for attendance.


Prof. Tauseef Asghar is responsible for ensuring the overall coordination and conduction of assessments during Year 4.

Mode of Teaching: Lectures (Cognitive Domain)

Online Modules, Didactics & Bedside Teaching (Psychomotor & Affective Domain)


Fourth Year Lecture List (Surgery & Allied)

Fourth Year Ward Rotation Plan (Surgery & Allied)

Fourth Year Clinical Flow Chart (Surgery & Allied)

Fourth Year Academic Planner 2023-24



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